At the request of Oskar and Laurie Eustis, Saint Ann’s School has established The Jack Eustis Scholarship.
Jack was a Saint Ann’s junior, a playwright, a juggler, a much loved son, brother, friend, classmate and student. He was an intellectual who radiated joy and exuberance, and whose home was a hub for all who knew him. He is deeply missed by all.
To make a donation to the Jack Eustis Scholarship, please make checks payable to Saint Ann’s School, add a memo/note “Jack Eustis Scholarship” and mail to:
Saint Ann’s School
Development Office
129 Pierrepont Street
Brooklyn, New York 11201
To make a gift online, please click here.
For questions or information on contributing appreciated stock or by wire transfer, please contact the Development Office at 718-522-1660 ext. 224 or by email at
Thank you.