Check Out the Libraries at Saint Ann’s

When Saint Ann’s went remote in March 2020, the libraries, like everything else at school, adapted and changed. Reading didn’t slow down, but it did go online! All students and faculty members were reminded (or notified for the first time) of their Saint Ann’s Digital Library login credentials and hundreds of titles were added to the digital library to accommodate our younger readers. And boy did our community read!

Here’s the breakdown:
3,229 checkouts of juvenile fiction and nonfiction titles
513 checkouts of young adult fiction and nonfiction titles
762 checkouts of adult fiction and nonfiction titles

Now that school is starting again, the Annie Bosworth Library is going to be offering contactless checkout. As much as we love the digital library, we know there is nothing like holding a print book in your hands. Navigate to the Saint Ann’s Library web page for a how-to guide.