How does the middle and high school schedule work?

Middle and high school students have highly-individualized schedules depending on they classes they take. Fourth graders have daily homeroom; other middle and high school students are due at school for the beginning of their first class of the day.

In the Middle School, the day generally ends at 2:35 p.m. (an “early day”), or 3:25 p.m. (a “late day”). 

In the High School, the beginning and end of each school day is truly unique to the student and can change if a student adds or drops classes. The last “regular” period on the high school schedule ends at 4:15 p.m., but it is followed by the seminar period, during which some students will elect to take classes that run until 5:50 p.m.

One important aspect of high school schedules are free periods. During “frees,” high school students are truly free—they can leave campus during these times if they so choose and need to return only when they are due to be in their next class.

When the school year begins, if you are a middle or high school parent you will be able to view your child’s schedule through the Family Portal. If you need to schedule extracurricular activities before the school year begins you can contact the division office for dismissal times, but full schedules are not available until the first day of school.

We encourage students who wish to make schedule changes—even our youngest middle schoolers—to speak directly with their division head or grade dean, rather than expecting their parents to mediate this process. Those administrators must ultimately approve all schedule changes. The first few weeks of the year generally function as an add/drop period, especially in high school, where students have a chance to iron out the details of their schedules with the division office.