What if my child has a learning disability or a health concern? Does the School have support staff?

The School has a dedicated team of trained professionals who work together as Student Support Services and are led by the Director of Student Support Services, our School Psychologist, Liz Bernbach, PhD. Student Support Services is made up primarily of the School’s psychologists, learning specialists, and testing coordinators, but they also work closely with school nurses and health educators. The Student Support Services team are here as a resource for students, parents, and teachers and are in regular contact with division offices.

The Teaching and Learning Center (the “TLC”) is open Monday through Friday from 8:15 a.m.-4:30 p.m. All middle and high school students are welcome to drop in during their free periods, including lunch. They can also stop in before classes begin to print out homework or get needed class supplies. Learning specialists staff the TLC and are there to support students with anything they need that is related to school work. They are happy to help with studying for tests, writing papers, understanding reading assignments, organizing materials, and managing time, among other things.