Communication: When should I contact the school? Who should I call about attendance? When will you contact me?

One important time to email us is if your child needs to miss the whole day of part of a school day, and to do so again for each day that they are absent. You can email the appropriate division office using the contact information found on the back page of the art calendar and on the Parent Portal.

Beyond Attendance
We also encourage parents to call or email division offices with everything from changes in that day’s after school plans to changes in address, family structure, custody, child care arrangements, or a health situation or family crisis at home. Division offices are here to help and can relay information to other administrative offices and teachers as needed to support your child. Please be in touch if there is something you think we need to know about.

You can always update your address and contact information directly through the Parent Portal. To update your primary email address, contact 

The art calendar and the Parent Portal contain contact information for most administrative offices. We ask parents to communicate information and concerns about their children through the relevant division office rather than calling, texting, or emailing individual teachers.

You can expect regular email communications from the school about community news and events. Division offices will often email about division-specific events and will contact you when they have anything to communicate about your individual child.

However, it is important to note that, consistent with our goal of nurturing student independence, middle and high school parents should not necessarily expect to hear every time there are auditions for the play or try-outs for the basketball team. Older students have regular assemblies with division heads who frequently communicate important information to students directly. Parents are always welcome to contact division offices with questions.