Divisions: Middle School

Humor, joy, disquietude, flux: all words that easily characterize adolescence. In the Saint Ann’s Middle School, we believe each should be embraced. The middle school years aren’t just a stage to be dreaded or gotten through. They are a time when students push limits and boundaries while building community and fortifying friendships as they explore and challenge this new world. Middle School is a place where students are celebrated for their individuality and given increasing independence and trust.

Starting in fourth grade, our youngest middle schoolers move to a new building and into fully departmentalized instruction. They learn to confidently navigate the Bosworth Building along with their older peers as they experience dynamic teachers and engaging new curriculum. In each subsequent year of middle school, students are given even more responsibility and have the opportunity to shape their own individual academic and artistic experience. Robust course options in each discipline encourage deep imagination and exploration. Students are free to choose classes that will stoke their curiosity, foster new interests, further develop existing talents, and challenge their assumptions. This is hardly a way station to bide their time until they “grow up.” Rather, students are celebrated, supported, and encouraged to delve deeper into their individual passions in the here and now. Eighth graders emerge self-reliant, unencumbered, and intellectually curious.

Middle schoolers are capable of tremendous insight and possibility. We cherish this glorious and messy stage with all of its boundless creativity. We are fortunate to witness this time of continued imagination, reflection, and growth. It is wonderful to be in a school where faculty are called on to nurture the curiosity, fascination, and innovation of our extraordinary students.