About: Library Policies

Material Selection Policy
Selecting books for the Annie Bosworth Library is an ongoing process. Books are selected in an effort to support the academic and creative arts curriculum, foster a love of reading, support the research of a particular student or faculty member, and simply to aid students in the development of their passions. The librarians are responsible for selecting books, and suggestions from students and faculty are welcome. Requests are usually honored. When curating the collection, the librarians affirm their commitment and dedication to diversity, inclusion, equity, and cultural awareness.  The Annie Bosworth Library at Saint Ann’s supports an individual’s Freedom to Read and adheres to the American Library Association’s Bill of Rights.

Subscriptions to databases are purchased on a yearly basis and their usefulness is evaluated prior to renewing the subscription. Databases are purchased not to replace books within the library, but to increase the accessibility to information for students and faculty. The databases are varied in content and scope. Some databases, such as Encyclopedia Britannica, are broad-based, general-use resources, while others, such as ScienceDirect and JSTOR, are more in-depth and/or academically oriented. It should be noted that some databases are available for free through the New York State Library, some are purchased using NYSSL funds provided by the Department of Education, and other are purchased using the the budget allocate for the library.

Library Computer, Chromebook, and Internet Use
Within the Annie Bosworth Library it is understood that computers and Chromebooks should be used in a responsible, ethical, and legal fashion.  It is unacceptable to violate the privacy of anyone inside or outside the Saint Ann’s community, copy materials in violation of copyright law, plagiarize someone else’s work, or disrupt the functioning of the computers in the library. The library has five desktop computers and 30 Chromebooks. The Chromebooks are available for checkout within the library—they may not leave the library.

Procedure for Challenged Materials
We are a community that values communication; as such we hope that any objections concerning materials in the library collection can be discussed in a friendly manner and preferably resolved informally. If this is not possible, the inquirer will be asked to complete a Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials form. The form should be given to the librarian, who will then take up the matter with the Head of School, the Dean of Faculty, and the appropriate Division Head. It is imperative that everyone evaluating the material, as well as the inquirer, read the material in its entirety. A decision should be made promptly. The challenged material should remain in circulation during the process.

Circulation Policies
All materials should be checked out using the automated circulation system in the library. All students and faculty are permitted to check out up to 10 print books at a time for a three week period. If more books are needed for a particular project, exceptions will be made. Books may be renewed if no one else is waiting for them. Books must be brought back to the library in order to be renewed.

  • DVDs and audiobooks are subject to the same circulation guidelines as books.
  • Reference materials are non-circulating unless special permission is granted.
  • Reserve text books are to be used in the library.
  • E-books and audiobooks can be downloaded through Sora, the Saint Ann’s Digital Library, for a period of four weeks. Librarians are available to assist patrons with this process.

Overdue notices will be sent to students and faculty periodically. No fines will be collected for books returned late. At the end of the school year, students will be billed for unreturned and lost materials.