Annie Bosworth Library: About

Statement of Purpose

The Annie Bosworth Library at Saint Ann’s School endeavors to promote critical thinking skills, problem solving strategies, intellectual curiosity, and a love of reading and literature for all students, faculty and staff. In meeting these goals the library will:

  • Support and enhance the academic and creative arts curriculum.
  • Maintain a collection (print, electronic and audiovisual material) that attempts to stimulate the intellect and imagination of every patron.
  • Provide an inviting, supportive and functional environment.
  • Provide bibliographic instruction to every individual within the school community, during both scheduled classes and impromptu moments.
  • Impart our passion for books.

About the Library

The Annie Bosworth Library at Saint Ann’s School serves approximately 720 students in grades 4 through 12, as well as close to 400 faculty and staff. The collection includes approximately 29,000 books, videos, and other materials, and subscriptions to dozens of periodicals and electronic databases. Additionally, the Annie Bosworth Library supports a digital ebook and audiobook collection called Sora. Information about the Lower School Library (serving Kindergarten through 3rd grade) is available at: Lower School Library.

Using the Library

The Annie Bosworth Library operates with an open door policy. High school students and faculty are free to use the library at any time during the day. Middle school students are free to use the library during lunch and study periods. Children through 5th grade need to be accompanied by a parent or caregiver if using the library after school.